Wednesday, May 23, 2007

There was a time when Jim Carey was funny... really!

Yeah, he was funny. Once upon a time. And i don't necessarily mean as Ace Ventura. You see, before he made it big as the pet detective he was the token white guy on the sort of all-black SNL-esque comedy show "In Living Color", which was run by the Wayans-Brothers (who were never again as funny as in this. Well, if i come to think of it, Damon did "Bulletproof" and "Major Payne", who were quite funny, but the rest of the family truly sucked when they left ILC).

But we're talking JC, so here's two of my favorite ILC sketches:

Jim Carey as Firemarshall Bill:

Jim Carey as Vera De Milo:


Blogger Tim Leidecker said...

Hallo Preach,

ich bin Tim Leidecker von Da du in deinen Kommentaren bei stets einen extrem gut informierten und kompetenten Eindruck, was MMA angeht, hinterlassen hast, wollte ich dich fragen, ob du nicht Lust hättest unsere Seite auf die eine oder andere Weise zu verstärken. Wenn sich das für dich interessant anhört, melde dich doch bitte bei mir unter

Schöne Grüße,


6:28 AM  

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